Our Blog

Drive Traffic and Close More Leads with Blogging

By July 8, 2016 December 31st, 2018 No Comments

Blogging is one of the most cost-effective methods for driving traffic to your business website. Incorporating a blog into your digital marketing strategy can help you to not only drive traffic, but also define your brand, establish thought leadership, educate your visitors, and help convert visitors into leadsand leads into sales by providing your prospects with high-quality, relevant information!

Let’s look at a few ways blogging can help you grow your Managed Print Services or Managed IT Services business:

Drive Traffic, Convert Visitors

Much like traditional marketing, inbound marketing is a numbers game. The more traffic you drive to your site, the more leads you’ll generate– provided you offer high quality content. Google and the other search engines value unique, relevant content when determining search engine page rankings. Blogging allows you to create consistent, dynamic, keyword-rich content that can help to not only inform your readers, but improve your ability to be found online and strengthen your search engine optimization or SEO. Creating highly relevant, informative content and then sharing it through social media channels also helps to drive traffic back to your website.

Generate Warm Leads

Blogging allows you to connect with your visitors on a deeper level. It gives you a voice, enables you to share your story with them and provides information that can help a prospect along the path to their buying decision. The best blogs answer the most common reader questions and provide information that prospects may need to help them reach their buying decision (in your favor!).

Close More Sales

Blogging is a solid first step to convincing visitors to enter your sales funnel. By engaging readers and offering value, you can get them to provide you with their email contact information. This is the first step of the “lead-nurturing” process. Business buyers, like any consumers, are often not ready to buy when they first find you online. Your blog can work to convert them into leads by educating them over time as to who you are, what you do and why your business is the right choice. As they work through the process, engage with your business, become informed and come to trust you, you should lead them through the sales process by continuing to provide value and you’ll begin to close more sales.

Don’t have the resources to blog? ARLINGTON offers blogging, social media and other content services.  Contact us to learn more!

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