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Don’t Make These Common Social Media Mistakes

By July 22, 2016 December 31st, 2018 No Comments

Today’s business buyer is media savvy; they turn to Google Search when faced with a question they can’t answer themselves and use the Internet as a research tool to decide who they do business with. Social media is playing an increasingly important role in the buyer’s decision making process. When executed correctly over time, social media can be a huge driver of website traffic, warm leads and potential sales. When handled incorrectly, it can damage your business and drive visitors away as fast as it takes to click a mouse.

Let’s look at the five most common social media mistakes that businesses make when engaging with prospects:

1. Posting too often to social channels – Quality and relevant content will always have their place; however, the problem occurs when brands attempt to gather as many likes, retweets and followers as possible through the frequent posting of content that does not provide true value to the business buyer. Businesses often make the mistake of assuming that the more often they post, the more engagement they will receive. Quality over quantity is key.

2. Focusing only on your business – Social media is about being social, not solely promoting your products. Make sure you use social media to create engagement and develop relationships, not as a platform to push your business. Try such topics as:

  • Answering the business buyer’s common challenges
  • Providing the latest information on technology changes and trends, and how it could impact the business buyer
  • Sharing the latest industry news and how it could impact the business buyer

3. Users are looking for information; make sure you give it to them – Make sure your social profile pages are complete and include photos and your company logo wherever it’s allowed. Customers are seeking information like your hours, location(s), phone number and more! Don’t leave them guessing!

4. Not responding to questions, praise, or complaints – Not responding to a customer inquiry via social media is like hanging up the phone in the middle of a call – only online there may be thousands of other people watching. Avoid this problem by responding to ANY engagement, positive or negative, immediately!

5. Not having any strategySocial media is no longer an option, it’s a necessity and it’s here to stay. Sometimes, it is the first and only point of contact. It should be treated just like any other area of your business. Take the time to develop a social media strategy, or outsource your social media to a qualified expert so you can focus on your core business.

Social media can be one of the most effective inbound marketing methods you can use to grow your business. If you’d like to learn the ins and outs of effective social media management check out ARLINGTON’s Digital Marketing Services today!

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