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How to Convert Website Traffic into Warm Sales Leads

By November 12, 2015 December 31st, 2018 No Comments

Your website is your business card on steroids. Stats indicate that the typical office worker presents their website address just over one hundred times per day. Most do this by placing their website URL in their email signature or by handing out a traditional business card.

You too are probably doing your best to promote your website, but are you doing enough to convert the site traffic your website generates into warm sales leads?

Take a look at this Marketing Research Chart courtesy of the digital marketing research experts at marketingsherpa.

Marketing Research Chart: Average website conversion rates, by industry


Here’s an effective way to do it. The trick is to get people to do what digital marketers call “convert”; the act of converting a website visitor into a potential prospect. In most cases this is done by enticing the site visitor to surrender personal information in exchange for what is referred to as a “content offer”. The site visitor would gain access to the offer by completing an online form requesting such information as their name, company and email address. Usually the content is authored by someone within your company and provides expertise on how to address a business problem or seize a business opportunity.  The content could be packaged as an eBook, report or guide for Managed Print as an example, or a whitepaper or video on another topic of interest to your ideal customer.

Of course the content offer is usually targeted to attract the people who typically buy your product or service. If you follow inbound marketing best practices, you know it’s important to segment your typical buyer profiles and create content offers that face up to each of these customer personas. This way you have a better chance of conversion because the content offer becomes more appealing to the specific audience you are trying to convert into sales leads.

The more content offers you have on your website the more leads you are likely to get. The key is to make sure you provide quality content offers that are educational and NOT promotional in nature. This is why content offers that feature “How To…” work so well because they address those business problems your target audience is trying to solve.

Shockingly less than five percent of websites provide content offers to convert site visitors onto warm sales leads.  By adding quality content offers to your website (especially on high traffic pages) you are bound to generate more sales leads from current and future traffic on your website.


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