Business Machines Retail Flyer

Our February Business Machines & Imaging Supplies Flyer is Now Available in Digital Flipbook Format

Digital flipbooks are a great way to transition readers from print media to an online digital environment. ARLINGTON has a tradition of providing our current promotions in digital flyers every month and we are now providing these flyers in a generic “Business Machines” version for you, our valued dealer, to use for your own sales and promotions. This flipbook is free to you, makes no mention of ARLINGTON or our pricing, and provides a valuable sales resource to your business at no additional cost.

Methods for utilizing this free resource include:

  • Link to Business Machines flipbook URL from your own company website or webpage(s)
  • Include link to Business Machines flipbook URL from within your email signature
  • Link to Business Machines flipbook URL from your own promotional email campaign

Please feel free to use this flipbook to assist your sales and return next month for a new Business Machines flipbook with our next flyer's promotions.

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